Thursday 11 June 2009

The Pains of being a Tender Shrag

Oh dear. I feel like I'm about explode. I could really do with some proper sleep. We played a show on Wednesday and stayed late to catch the other bands. I paid for it yesterday, but I'm still glad we stayed. Whole Schebang were especially entertaining. Playing some sort of smiley-singalong-folk-pop they ran through their set with big smiles on their faces. I love watching bands that actually look like they're enjoying themselves.

Whole Schebang myspace

Last night was another late night. Headed to Cargo for a rather spectacular triple-bill – Tender Trap, Shrag and The Pains of Being Pure At Heart. My camera is really dying a slow and painful death, so I apologise for the mediocre picture quality/

Tender Trap. Yes, that is Elizabeth from Allo, Darlin playing the guitar, something I haven't seen for at least a couple of years.

It seems Amelia Fletcher and Co are incapable of writing bad songs. Or if they have some, they're pretty damn good at keeping them hidden from the world. They've been supplying us pop fans with endless anthems for the last...well, pretty much forever. The new songs sound great and they're just great fun to watch. Yay!

I had never heard Shrag before, so I really didn't know what to expect. They were brilliant though, providing some sort of hyper-electro-pop-bounce-funness that would have made the Duracell bunny proud. Errm...or something like that.

And then the headliners, the most hyped indie-band in the world. And what can I say? They are great, but I don't know. They're just everywhere. And live...well, it's a bit like listening to the CD....and it's a great CD....but, but, but, I just don't know....The songs are great, they're tight, everyone loves them, they seem like really nice guys, but it's just a little too perfect...I like a bit of chaos here and there. Some life.

Anyway, all-in-all it was a great evening...

Tender Trap myspace
Shrag myspace
The Pains of Being Pure At Heart myspace


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