Wednesday, 18 February 2009

We did it!

The first 'Records Make Great Pets' night went really, really well. Everyone involved seemed to have a blast. Even though I spent most of my time from 5pm-8:20pm stressing like a mofo it all worked out in the end. It turned out to be exactly the type of night I've always wanted to go to, but have never really found in London. Of course, this was mainly down to the bands, who were all awesome. Well, I can't really comment on the awesomeness of Moustache of Insanity, since I'm in the band, but the others were all amazing.

Moustache of Insanity (myspace)
One of our best shows ever. Nothing went too terribly wrong and we remembered most words and chords. The new song went down really well. Hooray!

Allo, Darlin' (myspace)
Playing some new material from her upcoming EP, Allo, Darlin' was almost a full band this evening. With Paul on guitar, Bill Moustache stepping in on drums and Monster Bobby coming on stage for a duet, it was all just perfect. Elizabeth is always brilliant, but with a band behind her the songs come alive in a way that's just impossible recreate as a solo artist. 

Rob St. John (myspace)
Rob brought down the tempo a bit and the crowd gave him the attention he deserves. His heartfelt songs warmed the bellies of popsters and folksters alike.

Eagleowl (myspace)
The Owls just get better and better. They're tighter, more confident and just seem to enjoy playing a lot more than they used to. Their EP was one of the highlights of 2008 and you still can (and should) get it from their website

So, will there be a second live night next month? I sure hope so.

The first "class photo" of year 2009
Back row, l-r: Ian, Rob, Malcolm, Nik, Bart, Bill
Front row, l-r: Clarissa, Elizabeth, Paul

The only performer missing from the picture is Monster Bobby.

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